What is a print ready file?

A print ready file is a high resolution PDF file, with bleed, trim marks, CMYK format with no alteration or further work required. We simply place your finished artwork on our print run. The best file format to supply us with is a PDF. This format includes all fonts, images and art details, the layout you see on your screen is what we print.

Please ensure your artwork is in CMYK format, not RGB.  For the best results, engage a Graphic Designer to prepare quality artwork for your business. 

The print ready file will be set up to the correct size with correct placement of text and bleed with our recommended safe print areas. Colour spaces are correct for the required product and vector art and outlined text is applied where applicable. For more information on providing artwork please see our information on File Setup. Or to download our print guideline templates see our Templates page.

Artwork Checklist

  • Artwork dimensions are correct?

  • Resolution is at least 300dpi if a bitmap file?

  • Have you allowed for bleed if it is required?

  • Do you have the correct colourspace? (CMYK, RGB, Spot etc)

  • Are your fonts outlined?

Graphic Designer

A great printed item starts with great design. We suggest you engage a graphic designer, typesetter or finished artist to provide high quality print ready artwork. This ensures a high quality finished printed item.

You can refer your designer to our templates section for the products that you require.

What if my artwork is not print ready?

All files will be checked for print readiness. Major discrepancies will be notified and new files may be requested, this will add to the production time.  If we are required to amend the files some extra cost may be incurred. 

Supported software

We support most professional graphics programs irrespective of operating system. We advise against using Microsoft Office products for professional printing purposes. Whilst powerful office software they are not setup to produce print ready files and many issues can arise which may incur conversion fees.


Most of our products are produced in CMYK and artwork should be prepared or converted as such. RGB files may need conversion to CMYK and colour could vary and conversion fees may apply. We can produce printing which includes PMS or Spot colours. All files which include PMS or Spot must be setup with the specified colours.

File Formats

We love to receive your artwork as a high resolution PDF. But if you can’t supply a PDF – then just send us one of the following formats. Indesign (indd), Illustrator(ai or eps), Freehand, QuarkXpress, High Res JPG, TIF, EPS or PSD (Photoshop)

Vector v Bitmap

High quality printing can be produced using either bitmap or vector artwork if setup correctly. However text and artwork which is created using vector software is better kept as such and not rasterized as it will produce a sharper result.


We recommend a minimum resolution of 300dpi (dots per inch) for best results on most printing. Large format prints which will be not seen closely can be printed at 150dpi if required.


All non standard fonts included in your artwork must be either outlined prior to sending through or supplied with your artwork.


All files which require a print to the cut edge need to be supplied with a minimum of 3mm bleed from the cut edge. This is to allow for any production shift which may occur. If your software allows it also supply your file with trim marks and place artwork in the centre of the page. Additionally a safe are within the cut edge of 3mm also applies with all important text or imagery kept within this area. For example a business card size of 90x55mm must have an artwork size of 96x61mm and a safe area of 84x49mm.

You can find a wide range of templates with size guidelines for most of our standard products on our templates page